Print Large, High Quality, Flame-retardant Production-Grade Parts

  • Applications

    • Passes UL94 V0 flammability standard - FAR 24.853(a)
    • Direct production of high-volume, end-use plastic parts
    • Semiconductor equipment
    • Printed circuit board covers
    • Covers, hangers, or housings requiring a UL94 V0 rating
    • Flame retardant parts for trains and buses
  • Advantages

    • Self-extinguishing, flame-retardant material
    • Prints large, production-grade, long-term stable parts
    • Uniquely tough for a flame-retardant material
    • Fast, easy to print material making it extremely versatile
    • Shares base chemistry with Figure 4 version of Tough Black FR V0 to enable production efficiencies


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