Solvay의 Radel PPSU(폴리페닐설폰)은 내구성이 뛰어나며 가벼운 소재로 다용도 단기 장치 및 방사선 불투과성 기기에 사용되는 금속의 탁월한 대안입니다.
Rethink instrumentation with 3D printed Radel® PPSU (Polyphenylsulfone)
Radel® PPSU is an amorphous material that, is available as medical grade for instruments such as trial implant spacer for spinal fusion surgeries. Instruments made from this material can absorb high impact without breaking and can withstand repetitive exposure to high temperatures during hot steam sterilization processes.
Choose medical-grade Radel® PPSU for reusable medical devices. It is compliant with DIN EN ISO 10993 biocompatibility testing and is suitable for applications having less than 24 hours contact with bodily fluids and tissue.
When enhanced with barium sulfate, Radel® PPSU applications are visible during medical x-ray imaging processes. The material is available in different colors.