• 필요한 소재를 찾아볼 수 있는 SLS 소재 안내서

    사용 가능한 SLS 소재, 해당 특성, 가용 색상 및 프린터 호환성을 한 눈에 알아보세요.

  • DuraForm PA 11 Natural (SLS) drill guide

  • Applications

    • Complex, thin-walled ductwork
    • Housing and small enclosures
    • Impellers
    • Connectors
    • Consumer sporting goods
    • Automotive interior components
    • Fasteners, clips, and mechanical parts
    • Quick connectors and fittings
  • Advantages

    • Produced from a green, renewable bio-resource
    • Excellent chemical resistance
    • Performs well across a wide temperature range
    • High dimensional stability
    • Parts have the toughness of injection molded ABS and polypropylene
    • Production grade and long-term stable, can be used for functional prototypes or end-use parts

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